Word Q 5

WordQ 5 supports users of all ages by offering state-of-the-art word prediction, speech feedback, proofreading and more. WordQ can be used virtually anywhere you type on a computer, online or offline, helping users realize their full potential and gain confidence in their communication and self-expression.

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Key Features and Benefits

Floating Toolbar
Easy-to-use interface supports online and offline writing across desktop applications.

Word Prediction
Advanced word prediction helps with spelling and grammar using three levels of vocabulary with a background prediction dictionary of 80,000 linguistically aligned words and phrases appropriate for elementary and secondary schools; profanity and bias-free.

Speech Feedback
High-quality speech feedback allows students to hear what they write in a clear and pleasant voice to immediately capture mistakes independently.

Proofreading mode guides students to readily find and correct spelling and grammar mistakes.

Speech Recognition
Speech recognition with integrated SpeakQ technology supports students who have difficulty with conventional dictation software.
(Available for Windows only)

Integrated PDF Reader
Open PDF documents for accessible reading and writing. In addition to general reading of a PDF document, fill out forms, complete assignments and tests that are provided in PDF format with the full functionality of WordQ.

ThoughtQ Technology
ThoughtQ technology integrates dynamic topics to help students research and write about an unfamiliar topic.


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